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Aromantic UK

Acne Prone Skin Toner

Effective water soluble actives combine to give a simple to use facial toner or spray that can be used throughout the day to soothe acne prone skin. Healing and antibacterial to reduce further breakouts.
Stage 1: (room temperature)
73% Orange Blossom Hydrolat / Hydrosol
10% Lavender Hydrolat / Hydrosol
7% Aloe Vera Concentrate
2% D-Panthenol
Stage 2: (room temperature)
5% Polysorbate 20
1.5% Organic Anti Acne Active Formula
1% Preservative 12
0.5% Manuka Essential Oil
Total 100%
  • Combine Stage 1 ingredients together.
  • Separately, combine the Stage 2 ingredients and mix until thoroughly solubilised.
  • Combine both stages and mix well. Bottle into spray bottles and label.
Grape Seed Oil
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