Did you know that most emulsifiers which are not vegetable-based are produced from animal fats? Declaration regulations don't require manufacturers to declare the source of the emulsifiers, just their chemical names, and you can't always tell from these if they are of animal or vegetable origin.
There are just a few officially qualified organic emulsifiers in the market so to claim creams are 100% organic is misleading. There are ingredients that come close but are still not organic. The true picture is much more complex and requires a good understanding of raw materials. Some raw materials that are currently used in commercial skincare products and cosmetics need to be avoided.
To make a cream or lotion it is necessary to use an emulsifier. Mixing oil with water is not possible without using emulsifiers. They enable two usually non-mixable ingredients to mix together to produce creams and lotions; or in the food industry, margarine and mayonnaise. We believe an emulsifier should be sourced from natural ingredients such as vegetable oils and other vegetable-based raw materials.
Unfortunately, nature provides us with only a few emulsifiers such as lecithin and egg yolk and these don't always perform consistently enough for commercially available cosmetics products.
The best emulsifiers for natural skin care products have up to now been derived from coconut oil and palm oil. More recently, rapeseed has been used as a lot of this crop is grown in Europe. They are safe to work with and VE Emulsifier and MF Emulsifier are even used in the food industry, such as in the production of vegan ice cream in Scandinavia. Aromantic's VE Emulsifier is produced from palm oil and our MF Emulsifier is now produced from rapeseed and palm oil.
We are also proud to offer an organic emulsifier, Sucragel AOF Bio.