A simple but effective hand cream that can easily be adapted by changing the carrier oils used. Stage 1: (above 75°C)15% Peach Kernel Oil 5% Macadamia Nut Oil 5% VegetalStage 2: (above 75°C) 73% Boiling Spring WaterStage 3: (below 40°C)1% Preservative 12 1% Essential Oils of your choice100% Total Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Method: Heat the Stage 1 (fat stage) materials in a stainless steel bowl on a bain marie (double boiler) to above 75°C. Add the Stage 1 (fat stage) to the Stage 2 (water stage) and stir thoroughly to combine the ingredients (this important), then stick blend for about 20 seconds until emulsified. Stop stick blending and remove from the heat. Allow to cool naturally whilst stirring with a spoon or spatula continuously. Do not accelerate the cooling time in a cold water bath and do not use the stick blender. When the cream is below 40°C, combine the Stage 3 (heat sensitive) ingredients and then add to the cream. Stir thoroughly then jar and label.