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Aromantic UK

Blueberry Brightener for Skin and Hair

Blueberry and tomato oils don't seem like natural companions, but they work exceptionally well together on your skin and for your hair.
Stage 1: (above 75°C)
10% Tomato Seed Oil
5% Emulsifying Wax (BTMS 25)
Stage 2: (above 75°C)
77% Boiling Spring Water
2% Glycerin
Stage 3: (below 40°C)
3% Blueberry Seed Oil
1% Preservative 12
1% Vitamin E
1% Essential Oils of your choice
100% Total
Grape Seed Oil
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  • Weigh all Stage 1 (fat stage) ingredients into a stainless steel bowl and place into a saucepan of boiling water (double boiler/bain marie). Bring up to a temperature of over 75 °C.
  • When Stage 1 is over 75 °C, add the Stage 2 (water stage) ingredients to a larger stainless steel bowl. Swap the bowls over, so the larger bowl is in the double boiler.
  • Pour the Stage 1 ingredients into the Stage 2 and stir gently without creating air bubbles. Ensure the temperature stays above 75 °C and stir continually for 5 minutes.
  • After 5 minutes, remove the bowl from the double boiler and put into a pan of cold water to cool it down quickly. Keep stirring all the time.
  • When the lotion is under 40 °C add the remaining Stage 3 (heat sensitive) ingredients. Combine thoroughly, jar and label.