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Aromantic UK

Daily Body Lotion

A daily use body lotion with AHA's to gently refresh the texture and appearance of your skin. It can also be used at night if preferred.
Stage 1: (above 75°C)
3% Tomato Seed Oil
3% Cocoa Butter
3% Emulsifying Wax (BTMS 25)

Stage 2: (above 75°C)
81% Boiling Spring Water
2% Glycerin

Stage 3: (below 40°C)
3% EcoSilk MB
2% AHA Natural Fruit Acid
1% Vitamin E
1% Preservative 12
1% Essential Oils of your choice
100% Total
Grape Seed Oil
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  • Heat Stage 1 (fat stage) ingredients in a double boiler to above 75°C.
  • Put the Stage 2 (water stage) ingredients into a larger bowl and swap the bowls in the double boiler so that the Stage 2 is being heated. Pour the Stage 1 ingredients into the Stage 2 and stir gently.
  • Keep the heat above 75°C and stir for 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes, transfer the bowl in a pan of cold water to cool down quickly whilst continuing to stir.
  • Add the Stage 3 (heat sensitive) ingredients when under 40°C. Jar and label.