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Aromantic UK

Everyday Conditioning Shampoo

An easy-to-make shampoo that will suit all members of your family. This super conditioning blend means you may not need to use a separate conditioner afterwards.
Stage 1: (room temperature)
20% Alpha Detergent
10% Sugar Detergent
1.5% Essential Oils of your choice

Stage 2:
61% Boiling Spring Water
5% EcoChic Conditioning Agent
1.5% Salt
Stage 3: (below 40°C)
1% Preservative Eco
Total 100%
Grape Seed Oil
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  • Combine both detergents together, and they will start to thicken. Then stir in the essential oils thoroughly
  • Mix the Stage 2 water and salt together. The hot water ensures the salt will dissolve thoroughly. Add the EcoChic Conditioning Agent and stir to dissolve.
  • Combine with the Stage 1 mixture and stir thoroughly without creating any foam
  • Then cool down to below 40 °C.
  • Add the Stage 3 (heat sensitive) ingredients and stir gently to combine thoroughly. Check pH to be between 5 and 7. Adjust if needed. Bottle and label.