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Aromantic UK

Lifting Cream

A rich cream with many powerful actives to lift, tone and firm your skin. It will continuously hydrate your skin for several hours while smoothing and improving the texture.
Stage 1: (above 75°C)
9% Pumpkin Seed Oil
7% Mullein Flower Oil
4% Vegetal
Stage 2: (above 75°C)
63% Boiling Spring Water
2% Eyebright Glycerol Extract
Stage 3: (below 40°C)
8% Siberian Ginseng Extract
2% Vitamin E
2% Liftonin
2% Remodelling Intense
1% Preservative 12
100% Total
Grape Seed Oil
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  • Heat Stage 1 (fat stage) in a stainless steel bowl on a double boiler until the temperature is above 75 °C.
  • When the Stage 1 (fat stage) ingredients are at the right temperature, add Stage 2 (water stage) ingredients into a stainless steel bowl and place on the double boiler instead of the fat stage.
  • Pour the Stage 1 (fat stage) into Stage 2 (water stage) and use a stick blender (high shear) to emulsify the two stages. This will happen in about 30 seconds, so keep checking. Ensure the temperature is above 75 °C. When you lift the stick blender out of the mixture, the mix running off the blender head should look like a thin cream. If it looks granular or like it is separating, it needs more high shear blending.
  • When it has emulsified, take it out of the double boiler and use a spatula to stir it whilst it is cooling down. You can use a cold water bath to speed up the cooling. Do not continue to use the stick blender as this will destroy the liquid crystal structure that the emulsification has formed.
  • When it is under 40 °C, add the Stage 3 (heat sensitive) ingredients. Combine thoroughly, jar and label.