A very light and easy to apply lotion that will help to rebalance the sebum production in acne prone skin. It will not block the pores and is very soothing if the skin is irritated. Stage 1: (above 75°C)80% Boiled Spring Water------------- 3% Glycerin 2% EmulsiGel EcoStage 2: (above 60°C)5% Watermelon Seed Oil5% Calendula OilStage 3: (below 40°C)2% Vitamin E1.5% Anti Acne Active Formula1% Preservative 120.25% Geranium Essential Oil0.25% Manuka Essential Oil100% Total Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Method: Mix the EmulsiGel Eco with the Glycerin and then add to the hot water. Stick blend until thickened. Add the Stage 2 oils to Stage 1 and stick blend briefly to combine. Cool down in a pan of cold water whilst stirring with a spatula - not the stick blender. Add the Stage 3 (heat sensitive) ingredients and stir again. Jar and label.