This light rejuvenating cream is the perfect way to boost your skin's smoothness and appearance whilst adding high-quality moisture ingredients like Vitamin E and your favourite essential oils. A DIY we love and it's so easy to do! Stage 1: (80° to 85°C)10% Grape Seed Oil5% White Poppy Seed Oil3% Pomegranate Seed Oil5% Emulsifier M Stage 2: (approximately 60°C)63.75% Boiling Spring Water3% Pomegranate Glycerol Extract3% Wu Zhu Extract0.25% Konjac Glucomannan Powder Stage 3: (below 40°C)3% Blueberry Seed Oil1% Vitamin E1% Eco Marine Algae Extract1% Preservative Eco1% Essential Oils of your choice 100% Total Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Method: Melt Stage 1 (fat stage) ingredients in a double boiler. Combine the Konjac Glucomannan Powder with the Wu Zhu Extract and Glycerol to make a paste. Then add to the freshly boiled spring water and whisk in a double boiler on the heat until fully dissolved. Then add Stage 1 (fat stage) ingredients to Stage 2 (water stage). Stir together with a spoon or spatula until you see they are fully mixed in. Then stick blend briefly until emulsification has occurred (this should only take about 30m seconds). Remove from the heat and stir slowly with a spatula whilst cooling naturally. Do not stick blend or accelerate the cooling during this stage. Combine Stage 3 (heat sensitive) materials and, when the emulsion is below 40°C, add to the cream. Stir thoroughly, jar and label.