A potent combination of regenerative active ingredients to firm and tone the skin. Should be used at least twice a day for best effect. Can be applied under a moisturiser or make up. Stage 1: (room temperature)80% Orange Blossom Hydrolat 1% Xanthan GumStage 2: (room temperature)10% Aloe Vera Concentrate4% Vitamin B31% Preservative 12----------3% Pomegranate Seed Oil1% Essential Oils of your choice. 100% Total Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Method: Sprinkle the Xanthan Gum over the Orange Blossom Hydrolat and beat, or stick blend, briefly until smooth. Dissolve and blend the Aloe Vera Concentrate, Vitamin B3 and Preservative 12 and stir into the Stage 1 gel. Add the remaining Stage 2 ingredients and combine thoroughly. Bottle and label.