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How to Protect Your Skin from the Sun and Pollution Naturally

May sees the start of consistently warmer weather and with it Sunscreen Day on the 28th of this month! An excellent annual reminder to ramp up your sun protection as we move into Summer.

Getting some exposure to the sun is a great way to help your body create Vitamin D. You don’t need to do anything other than simply be outside and your skin will convert the UVB rays into healthy and essential vitamins.

Exposure to the sun shouldn’t mean exposure to damage from the sun’s rays. Prevention is better than cure, so you should take precautions to combat the harmful effects of the sun rather than trying to treat damage afterwards. Sun damage is not always immediately visible, so you should prepare before sitting out in the sun, not wait until you feel the burn.

Avoiding intense midday heat is recommended, and seeking out shady areas to avoid extended periods of exposure. When you are in the sun though, many products can help combat the effects of sun damage. We are huge advocates of making your own skincare products to avoid applying unnecessary ingredients and harsh chemicals onto your skin. If you’re wondering how to protect skin from the sun and pollution naturally, these do-it-yourself recipes harness the power of natural ingredients to give you protection.

Sun Care Lip Balm Recipe

Lots of people forget to apply sun protection to smaller, more sensitive areas. Don’t underestimate the importance of sun protection for your lips, as sun and heat damage can leave them cracked and painful.

Applying regular suntan lotion to your lips will do the job, but a dedicated sun lip balm won’t leave you with a heavy or greasy feeling. And they taste and smell better too! The key ingredient here is Tiosol, which provides strong SPF protection. This liquid sun protection reflects and spreads UV rays, so including it in a homemade lip balm means you will benefit from these light-reflecting properties with each application.

These handy aluminium jars protect your lip balms against sunlight and oxidation, so they are perfect for carrying around in Summer. They also make it super convenient to top up your sun protection throughout the day. Be sure to reapply after eating or drinking to ensure thorough and long-lasting protection.


Stage 1
30% Beeswax
20% Sesame Oil
3% Rice Bran Wax

Stage 2
35% Red Raspberry Seed Oil
10% Tiosol
1.5% Vitamin E
0.5% Essential Oils of your choice

100% Total


  • Heat all the Stage 1 ingredients in a double boiler until fully melted.
  • Remove the mix from the heat and stir the balm until it has cooled to below 40°C. Once it has dropped to less than 40°C, stir in the Stage 2 ingredients.
  • Pour into jars and leave to cool before sealing and labelling.

Super Sun Body Lotion

For everything from preparation, duration and aftercare, you want products that will hydrate your skin. The sun and heat can dry out your skin, so nourishing with lotion will help retain moisture to avoid scaly skin and that tight, dried sensation.

As well as ultraviolet radiation (UVR), other air pollutants such as smoke and fumes can damage the skin. Collagen-rich ingredients are an excellent way to protect your skin from the sun and other pollutants naturally.

This Super Sun Body Lotion recipe contains our Collagen Boost & Bronze, an excellent skin hydrator. It increases your skin’s natural collagen renewal rate and helps your skin’s defence against sun damage and other pollutants, thanks to its hyaluronic acid content. This wonder ingredient also works as a natural tan enhancer, so it’s ideal for anyone who enjoys the tanning effects of being in the sun. While UV light is what triggers this effect, it doesn’t actually require direct sunlight to be activated so will also work when you’re in the shade, although to a lesser effect.

Stage 1
77% Boiled Spring Water
3% Glycerine
2% EmulsiGel Eco

Stage 2
5% White Poppy Seed Oil
3% Shea Butter Oil
2% Pomegranate Seed Oil

Stage 3
5% Collagen Boost & Bronze
2% Vitamin E
1% Preservative 12

Total 100%


  • Mix the EmulsiGel Eco with the Glycerine and then add to the hot water. Stick blend until thickened. For this recipe you do not need to use a cooker at all. You need to do this stage at above 60°C, so if you work quickly, then just-boiled water from the kettle is sufficient.
  • Add the Stage 2 oils to Stage 1 and stick blend briefly to combine. Cool down in a pan of cold water while stirring with a spatula. Do not use the stick blender for the cooling down stage.
  • Once the mix is below 40°C, add your stage 3 ingredients and stir again. Jar and label your lotion.

St John's Wort After Sun Oil

Preparation before you go out in the sun is crucial, but aftercare can be just as important. Aftercare is necessary to make sure that you are rehydrating and nourishing the skin.

St John's Wort Oil makes the perfect addition to after sun relief, thanks to its soothing properties. In this After Sun Oil recipe it is blended with other soothing vegetable oils to ease the after-effects of sun exposure.

This oil combination is also excellent for relief from irritation caused by the skin absorbing air pollutants. During the summer months, when we have more skin on show and we’re outside more, it’s vital to repair and recover your skin from exposure to these chemicals.

Fortunately, the recipe for our St John’s Wort After Sun Oil couldn’t be simpler! No need for complex equipment or even a heating element; this straightforward blend is easy to mix and ready for application right away.


Stage 1
30% St. John’s Wort Oil
20% Calendula Oil
20% Borage Oil
15% Thistle Oil
14% Vitamin E
0.5% Rosemary Antioxidant
0.5% Essential Oils of your choice
100% Total


Weigh out all the ingredients at room temperature, blend, then bottle and label.

How to Make Protecting Your Skin from the Sun and Pollution Naturally a Part of Your Routine

The best way to make the most of natural protection against the sun and other pollutants is to build it into your routine. These habits are especially important in the summer as temperatures rise and people are spending more time outdoors, but building good habits into your routine year-round will help make it second nature.

While sun damage is more likely to occur in the summer, the sun can cause invisible damage, which is less obvious than bright red sunburn or peeling skin. Switching to a moisturiser containing SPF is a simple way to make a change to safer products for better protection. Similarly, our lip balm recipe isn’t exclusively for Summer use and has a benefit all year round.

Keeping your skin nourished and hydrated also has benefits in all seasons, so applying lotion shouldn’t be reserved for after a day in the sun! Hydration is essential in other ways, like the harsh cold in the winter, leading to chapped skin. By incorporating hydration and protection into your daily routine, you can help build up a resistance to the effects of weather and pollution.

Make a start on your homemade sun protection products with our natural ingredients. For more inspiration, check out our range of Recipes, including a product guide for each!

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