Put stage 1 ingredients into a small bowl in a bain marie. When they are above 75 °C, weigh boiling rose hydrolat into a larger bowl, add the xanthan gum and stick blend until smooth. Then put into the bain marie. - Pour the fat stage into the water stage and stir to combine with a spatula first. Then start to stick blend. After a minute or so, look at the cowl of the stick blender (it covers the blade) and see what the mix looks like. If it is granular and separating, stick blend a little longer. When the cream looks smooth and like a runny single cream, stop stick blending and take it off the heat.
- Stir with a spatula until it cools. This cannot be accelerated, so do not put it in a pan of cold water. When it is under 40 °C, add the preservative and mix thoroughly. Put into jars, label, and date.