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How to Adjust Your Skincare Routine as You Age

Ageing is a fact of life, but that doesn’t mean you have to sit back and let the passing of time wreak havoc on your skin. Whether you’re 21 or 78, a great skincare routine can work wonders for your look, and the earlier you start, the better the results will be.

The most effective skincare routine evolves along with you over the years, keeping your face and body feeling fresh, hydrated and healthy. As you get older, your skincare needs will change, with key concerns shifting from hormonal acne into dullness, dryness, and elasticity loss. Thankfully, all kinds of cosmetic ingredients are out there to combat these common skin problems, and a targeted skincare regime that’s well-suited to your age will help you keep them at bay.

Although you’re never going to look 25 at the age of 70, you can make sure your skin stays as healthy and radiant as possible. Below, we’ve outlined how your skincare routine should change over the years to slow down visible signs of ageing and address a range of other specific skin concerns.


If you find skincare overwhelming, we’re here to help. Our guide to the ultimate skincare routine order will help you finally figure out what order you’re supposed to apply products.


What Factors Affect Ageing Skin?

Sun Damage

Over time, exposure to the sun can take a toll on your skin, causing it to develop premature wrinkles and fine lines. Unprotected exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can also damage skin cells, cause sunburn and increase your risk of skin cancer, which is why it’s essential to always consider sun safety, even on dull or cloudy days. 

Exposure to Free Radicals

Free radicals are unstable molecules found all around us — in UV rays, pollution, cigarette smoke and other environmental aggressors. These can cause accumulated damage to your skin over many years.

Daily Habits

Several habits are harmful to your skin, from smoking and skipping on sun protection factor (SPF) to eating too much junk food. Habitual facial expressions can also cause wrinkles to form over time. 

Why Is It Important to Change Your Skincare Routine as You Age?

Just as you might take extra care to eat well as you get older and become more concerned about your health, so should you change your skincare routine. Your skin changes as you get older, which means sticking to the same routine may not meet your skin’s new needs. Updating your skincare regimen as you age will help you combat various skin woes and gain greater control over your skin health.

Your Anti-ageing Skincare Routine for Every Phase of Life

In Your Teens and 20s

While your skin is still young, you may feel like you don’t need to take too much care of it, but a basic skincare routine will help you maintain a healthy visage. Young people can do their future selves a favour by applying SPF every morning, protecting the skin against UV rays and limiting the impact of premature ageing.

Another issue you may have to combat at this age is hormonal breakouts, which is a difficult stage for everyone to go through. The most effective way to combat clogged pores is with a gentle cleanser that won’t strip away moisture.

Recipe to try: 

In Your 30s

In your late 20s or early 30s, you may start to notice premature wrinkles, and you’ll probably realise that your skin is feeling drier than it used to. This is entirely normal and can be managed by tweaking your core skincare routine.

As well as cleansing, moisturising and applying sun protection, consider using a retinoid such as a vitamin A palmitate, which will boost collagen production and help you achieve visibly younger-looking skin. Vitamin A will also improve skin texture and protect the cell membranes from free radical damage.

In your 30s, you may also benefit from active ingredients such as sodium ascorbyl phosphate (vitamin C), an antioxidant that brightens, firms, and protects the skin. Apply a vitamin C lotion daily for a healthy, glowing look.

Recipes to try: 

In Your 40s

When you reach your 40s, signs of ageing become more apparent, but if you’ve looked after your skin up to this point, you’ll have hopefully staved off the worst of them. You can easily maintain radiant skin into your 40s with a little extra care, particularly if you focus on increasing collagen levels and pay close attention to the under-eye area.

Collagen production declines by about 1.0-1.5% a year from early adulthood. By your 40s, your body has been in a collagen deficit for over a decade, so you’ll notice more fine lines, wrinkles and areas of sagging skin. Collagen and elastin keep your skin plump and youthful-looking, so to increase the production of these essential proteins, make sure you’re using active ingredients like peptides and hyaluronic acid (HA).

Around the eyes is one area where you may notice signs of depleting collagen. Puffiness, dark circles and fine lines may appear more prominent as you reach your 40s, with thinner skin exacerbating the issue. If you’re not using one already, now would be an excellent time to add a dedicated eye cream to your anti-ageing skincare routine.

Recipes to try:

In Your 50s

When your 50s come around, you’re likely to notice your skin becoming increasingly dry and dull. This is when moisturising becomes a big priority, so you may want to switch out any lightweight gel moisturisers for richer formulas packed with skin-boosting ingredients. Rich moisturisers will help you rebuild volume and hydrate the skin, but you’ll also need to exfoliate to minimise flakiness.

Anti-ageing serums are another effective weapon in your skincare arsenal throughout your 50s. They have a high concentration of active ingredients that will help you tackle common mature skin problems. Try a serum with vitamin B3 to rejuvenate your complexion — this excellent natural ingredient is known to even out skin tone, combat blotchiness and promote elasticity.

Recipes to try:

In Your 60s and Beyond

Dryness will continue to be a key concern in your 60s and beyond, as free radicals and UV rays will have damaged your protective skin barrier over time. You may also find that your skin becomes itchy and more easily irritated as you get older, which is another reason to focus on increasing moisture. If you’re suffering from sensitive skin, try sticking to gentle ingredients and cutting back on anything you react badly to, even if it’s a product you once used without issue.

In your 60s, thinner skin and weaker muscles will make the lack of elasticity more noticeable in the face and neck. Keep using that retinoid we mentioned earlier to support collagen production and boost volume, or otherwise try ingredients such as pomegranate seed oil, eco marine algae extract and wu zhu extract to improve skin elasticity. Now is also the time to ensure you’re using rich, moisturising creams both day and night, giving your skin that extra hydration to keep it as smooth and plump as possible.

Recipes to try:

No matter what age you are, it’s easy to take control of your skincare routine by making your own cosmetic products. Get inspired by our extensive selection of natural 
skin care recipes.


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