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Aromantic UK

Argan Facial Serum

Stage 1: (above 75°C)
5% Argan Oil

Stage 2: (above 75°C)
2% EmulsiGel Eco
2% Pomegranate Glycerol Extract
84% Boiling Spring Water

Stage 3: (below 40°C)
2% Liftonin
2% Lupine Peptides
1% EcoSilk
1% Preservative 12
1% Essential Oils of your choice

Total 100%
Combine Stage 2 EmulsiGel Eco and Glycerol Extract into a paste. Add the boiling spring water and stick blend until smooth. Add Stage 1 ingredients and stir thoroughly. Cool down to below 40°C in a pan of cold water. Add Stage 3 ingredients and combine thoroughly. Jar and label.