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Aromantic UK

Everyday Hand Cream

A simple but effective hand cream suitable for everyday use. This recipe can be easily adapted to use different carrier oils in Stage 1.

Stage 1: (above 75°C)
10% Emulsifying Wax (BTMS 25)
10% Jojoba Oil
7% Tomato Seed Oil
3% Cocoa Butter
Stage 2: (above 75°C)
65% Boiling Spring Water
3% Glycerin

Stage 3: (below 40°C)
1% Preservative 12
0.5% Vitamin E
0.5% Essential Oils of your choice

100% Total
Grape Seed Oil
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  • Heat stage 1 ingredients in a double boiler to above 75°C.
  • Add the boiling water and glycerin to a larger stainless steel bowl, and then add the stage 1 ingredients. Keep above 75°C on the double boiler whilst stirring continuously for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the bowl and cool down whilst still stirring. When the temperature is below 40°C, add the stage 3 ingredients and mix thoroughly. Jar and label.