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Aromantic UK

Intensive Tomato Seed Hair Treatment

This is a rich, intensive, rinse off hair conditioner, especially suitable for thick or coarser hair. Apply, leave on for a few minutes, then rinse off and style as normal.

Stage 1: (above 75°C)
5% Argan Oil
8% Tomato Seed Oil
4% Avocado Butter
1% Cetearyl Alcohol
4% Emulsifier L

Stage 2: (above 75°C)
74% Boiling Spring Water

Stage 3: (below 40°C)
2% Vitamin E
1% Preservative 12
1% Essential Oils of your choice (20 drops)

Total 100%


Heat the fat stage to above 75°C in a double boiler. Then add stage 1 (fat stage) to stage 2 (water stage). Blend with a stick blender for a few minutes until you see emulsification has happened. Then immerse the container into a pan of cold water and stir with a spatula whilst cooling down to below 40°C. Add remaining stage 3 ingredients and combine thoroughly. Jar and label.
