This multi-purpose product is a delight to use on the face, body and hair as the oils used are excellent for the skin and are just as good for the hair as well. Stage 1: (above 75°C)7% Brazil Nut Oil 7% Papaya Seed Oil 5% Hazelnut Oil 4% Emulsifier L2% Cetearyl Alcohol Stage 2: (above 75°C)54% Boiling Spring Water 4% Comfrey Glycerol ExtractStage 3: (below 40°C)6% EcoSilk MB5% Blueberry Seed Oil 2.5% Vitamin E 1.5% Anti Acne Active Formula 1% Preservative 12 0.5% Helichrysum Essential Oil0.25% Manuka Essential Oil 0.25% Rosemary Antioxidant100% Total Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Sold out Method: Heat the Fat Stage to above 75°C in a double boiler. Then add Stage 1 (fat stage) to Stage 2 (water stage). Blend with a stick blender for a few seconds until you see emulsification has happened. Then immerse the container into a pan of cold water and stir with a spatula whilst cooling down to below 40°C. Add remaining Stage 3 ingredients and combine thoroughly. Jar and label.