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Aromantic UK

Ultra Rich Night Cream

This collagen boosting, rich cream is packed with skin nourishing ingredients such as Pseudo Collagen, Pomegranate Seed Oil and Lupine Peptides. Absorbed slowly, so is best applied at night.
Stage 1: (above 75°C)
9% Avocado Butter
8% Cocoa Butter
4% Emulsifier L
2% Pomegranate Seed Oil
2% Cetearyl Alcohol
 Stage 2: (above 75°C)
55% Boiling Spring Water
5% Pomegranate Glycerol Extract
Stage 3: (below 40°C)
8% Pseudo Collagen
3% Vitamin E
2% Lupine Peptides
1% Preservative 12
1% Essential Oils of your choice
100% Total
Grape Seed Oil
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  • Heat the Stage 1 (fat stage) ingredients in a double boiler until the temperature is over 75 °C.
  • Heat the Stage 2 (water stage) to over 75 °C in a stainless steel saucepan or borosilicate glass beaker.
  • When the Stage 1 is ready, pour into the Stage 2. Stir together first, then use a stick blender (high shear) to emulsify the two stages. This will happen in about 30 seconds, so keep checking. When you lift the stick blender out of the mixture, the mix running off the blender head should look like a thin cream. If it looks granular or like it is separating, it needs more high shear blending.
  • When it has emulsified, use a spatula to stir it whilst it is cooling down. You can use a cold water bath to speed up the cooling. Do not continue to use the stick blender, as this will destroy the liquid crystal structure that the emulsification has formed.
  • When it is under 40 °C, add any Stage 3 (heat sensitive) ingredients. Combine thoroughly, jar or bottle and label.