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What Is Jojoba Oil Good For?

Jojoba oil is nature’s super hydrating beauty treatment that can be used in hundreds of beauty products or on its own in pure form. Here’s our guide to jojoba oil and its profound benefits.

Winter is well on its way and we all know how cold, miserable and wet it can get. For many of us, this means dry skin and coarse hair. Jojoba oil may just be the answer you're looking for.

What is jojoba oil? Is it really what it's cracked up to be and should it be added to your beauty routine?

In this post, we take a thorough look at jojoba oil to get to the truth.

So, What Exactly Is Jojoba Oil?

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba (pronounced "hohoba") is a fascinating plant that originates from the Southwestern United States. Jojoba (Simmondsia Chinensis) is a small shrub and belongs to the Simmondsiaceae family of plants. The oil is produced from the jojoba nuts that grow on the shrub.

How Do You Use Jojoba Oil?

Jojoba oil is only sold in its pure form and can be bought organic or non-organic. Jojoba oil is frequently used as a base or carrier oil for DIY or homemade skincare products and is commonly used to create facial oils, facial polishes, body scrubs, face serums and massage oils. It can also be used as a standalone product as a moisturiser.

Jojoba oil is used by many for adding hydration to their skin, nails, hair and improving scar tissue.

Jojoba Oil Benefits

A woman lying down on a bed

Jojoba oil has been widely studied and found to have some profound skincare benefits for those who use it regularly. Here are some of its evidence-based benefits.

Offers Deep Skin Hydration

Jojoba oil is what's known as an occlusive ingredient, which means that it is effective at sealing your skin with a protective barrier that stops the skin from losing moisture. In other words, it's a quality skin hydrator.

For those with dry or sensitive skin, jojoba oil can help improve the hydration of your skin and can even defend against bacterial infection.

Helps with Skin Lesions and Acne-Prone Skin

Jojoba oil has gained most of its popularity due to its ability to help people with acne-prone skin. There is no guarantee jojoba oil will help everyone, but there are millions of people who say they have benefited from its use.

The theory behind jojoba as a useful treatment for acne is that it may signal your skin to balance itself. Because jojoba is technically a wax ester, rather than an oil, it resembles human sebum. Just like jojoba, sebum that is naturally produced by the body is a waxy, oily substance. The overproduction or blockage of sebum can cause acne.

One theory behind jojoba oil as an effective acne treatment is that jojoba oil signals your skin to balance itself. Technically a wax ester instead of an oil, jojoba oil resembles human sebum. Sebum is a waxy, oily substance on your skin. Overproduction or blocked sebum can cause acne.

Some studies suggest that when used topically, jojoba oil may have benefits for those with acne-prone skin. It appears jojoba oil works best when used with moisturisers, creams, and lotions. When jojoba oil is used in combination with a clay face mask, it has been found to help with skin lesions and those with acne-prone skin.

Softens Chapped Lips

Jojoba oil has a rich nutritional profile including vitamin E, vitamin B-complex and zinc. The combination of these three powerful nutrients helps give it super-hydrating properties.

Jojoba oil is used by many people as an ingredient in lip balm to help with their dry, chapped, and cracked lips.

Aids Strong and Healthy Nails

Due to its super-hydrating and antimicrobial properties, jojoba oil is excellent for your nails. Jojoba has smaller molecules when compared to other oils and this makes it easier for your nails, cuticles, and surrounding skin to absorb it deeply and stay hydrated. For those with dry cuticles, the oil is the perfect moisturiser.

Those with extremely dry or damaged cuticles can use the oil mixed with tea tree oil to create a hydrating and antimicrobial nail moisturiser. Together, the two oils will keep your skin soft and protect any cracks from bacterial growth.

Mitigates Razor Burn

Razor burn can be an awful issue to deal with, especially for those who are regular shavers. Jojoba oil can help with razor burn by soothing the surface of your skin and mitigating any bumps or rashes.

All you need is a few drops of the oil on the intended area before shaving and that will be enough to reduce razor burns.

Soothes Sunburn

The powerful effects of vitamin E once again come into play. Vitamin E is great for soothing sunburn, hence the reason it's used in so many sunscreens and moisturisers. When vitamin E is combined with antioxidants, it creates a defence against sunburn.

Jojoba oil is useful for restoring moisture to your skin and is aided by vitamin E. It will repair your skin damage from the sun, helping you to avoid dehydrated and flaky skin.

Helps with Hard Cracked Feet

When jojoba oil is massaged into your feet after you have a bath or shower, it can significantly help to hydrate the skin and reduce painful cracks.

People who use jojoba oil on their feet report considerable improvements to the skin health of their feet.

Fights against Dry Hair and Dandruff

Dandruff is the result of a lack of sebum produced by the skin on your scalp. Sebum is naturally produced by the body to keep your skin moisturised. But not everyone's skin has enough, which leads to dry hair and dandruff.

Jojoba oil for hair is effective as it’s almost identical to the sebum your skin produces naturally. Once applied to the scalp, it helps to soothe your skin with its hydrating properties.

What Makes Jojoba Oil Special?

jojoba oil in bottle

Jojoba oil is highly versatile and can be used for hundreds of health and beauty applications.

The benefits above are just some that this oil is capable of providing. For these reasons, jojoba oil continues to rise in popularity throughout the world.

If these benefits above aren't enough to convince you, maybe these interesting facts about jojoba oil will seal the deal.

It's Not an Oil; It's a Wax

Sorry to confuse you but while it is officially named "Jojoba Oil", it is, in fact, a wax. Why is this important? Because waxes are significantly lighter, less greasy and more stable than oils such as safflower oil, canola oil, and almond oil.

It's Similar to Your Skin's Natural Oils

Because Jojoba oil is similar to your body’s natural oils, it doesn't add to the oil already sitting on the surface of your skin. Instead, it balances these natural oils, which stops your pores clogging up and helps reduce spots and acne.

It's Wonderful for Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin can be a nightmare for those suffering with it, and many of us do to some extent. A long time ago, humans lived outside in the wilderness and our skin was much tougher. Now, we spend most of our time indoors, and as a result, our skin has become much more sensitive to the elements, especially to dry cold air.

We also live in a time where air pollution is a real problem. Contaminants are everywhere, including our offices and homes. To help fight against air pollution affecting our skin, there are many things we can do to protect ourselves.

For those who suffer from dry or irritable skin, jojoba oil may be able to help you. Many users report significant benefits in reducing the symptoms of dry skin and conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

It's Versatile

Jojoba oil is the perfect base or carrier oil for hundreds of DIY skincare products. You can get creative with jojoba oil and formulate your very own beauty products and realise all the skincare benefits of the oil at the same time.

But it doesn't stop there. The oil can also be used for removing makeup, hydrating your hair and encouraging its regrowth, helping reduce damage from wounds and scars, and strengthening your skin barrier.

If you enjoy creating DIY beauty products, you can utilise jojoba oil for shampoo, lipstick, makeup, cleansing products, and in face, hand, and body lotions.

Buy jojoba oil products from Aromantic. We have organic jojoba oil and jojoba exfoliating grains plus a wide range of cosmetic ingredients for creating homemade beauty products or for cosmetic companies. If you have any questions or are a wholesale buyer, call us now on +441309 696900 or message us on Facebook.

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