Cupuaçu Butter Baby Balm For Sensitive Skin
A simple soothing and moisturising balm suitable for anyone, of any age, with very sensitive skin. Especially nice for baby’s.

Beard Balm
A softening and conditioning beard balm that would also be ideal as a night balm for anyone with very dry or dehydrated skin.

Sun Lip Balm
Tiosol adds a strong SPF protection in an easy to apply lip balm. Use when skiing or doing sports in extreme sunshine.

Intensive Skin Repair Balm
A gentle, soothing, regenerative balm that is quickly absorbed by the skin. Perfect for damaged skin, it may also diminish the appearance of scars.

Camellia & Black Seed After Shave Balm
Soothing and skin conditioning, this balm has been designed for after shaving - but is just as soothing anywhere you want to use it.

Protective Nappy Balm
Gentle, soft and protective designed for the most delicate skin. This recipe can also be used as a regenerative after shave balm.

Vegan Tattoo Balm
This recipe makes a very solid but very nourishing balm. Try making it in a balm cylinder for easy application! Stage 1: (heat until melted)20% Shea Butter 20% Mango Butter...

Stretch Mark & Scar Tissue Balm
A balm high in Vitamin E, Rosehip Seed Oil and Shea Butter, excellent for helping reduce the size and appearance of stretch marks and scarring. Rich in Omega 3, 6...
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